hospitality and tourism for a more sustainable future
UN Tourism* created AMFORHT in 1969.
Its mission:
To assist governments worldwide to develop sustainable tourism strategies through tailor-made hospitality and tourism education and training.
* formerly known as UNWTO
AMFORHT in 80 countries
AMFORHT at a glance
In order to effectively meet the requirements of governments in implementing successful sustainable tourism strategies, AMFORHT collaborates with top-tier universities, recognized hospitality and tourism schools, reputable training centers, eminent institutions, as well as international and local industry representatives.
Additionally, AMFORHT partners with renowned hospitality and tourism experts who possess the expertise to cater to specific and occasional requirements.
700+ members
370+ schools & universities
500,000+ students & trainees
200+ international experts
Sustainable progress, peace and justice require that AMFORHT contributes to the public good.
Thus, AMFORHT integrates self-development and service to others, balancing individual, and public concerns, focusing on higher, broader, and more public levels of service.
Significant progress towards world peace and global well-being can be fostered through inter-religious, intercultural, and inter-racial work, and across barriers of politics and ethnicity that tend to separate people and their institutions.
AMFORHT is willing to work beyond borders of politics, religion, culture, race, and ethnicity, within the limits of our mission as set by UN Tourism and our status, and with organizations and individuals that share common values and objectives.
AMFORHT mission is to assist governments globally to successfully implement tourism strategies through hospitality and tourism training and education.
At the core of our mission is sustainability and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights that states that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, are endowed with reason and conscience, and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”. (Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 1)